Renovation Church

Being. Made. New.

Sermons Online

You can watch Renovation Church services from the past or LIVE anytime

Our YouTube Channel is at

Worship With Us

Sunday Mornings
10:00 AM
colorado springs
Phil Long Music Hall (Formaly Boot Barn Hall)

Serve With Us

Your helping hands are needed!

See our volunteer positions.

New Events Page!

We now have a NEW Events page

Check it out!

Sunday Service

10:00 AM

 at Phil Long Music Hall (Formally Boot Barn Hall)

Children’s Ministry provided.
Student Ministry follows Church Service.






Celebrate Recovery

Thursdays at 6:30pm

At The World Prayer Center at New Life Church




Renovation Stacked Letters

Renovation Church exists to create growing followers of Christ through renewing church environments guided by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit so that a lifestyle of God’s love is multiplied.

Welcoming Renovation Church family on Sunday morning.
Worship at Renovation Church
Baptism at Renovation Church
Welcoming Renovation Church family on Sunday morning.
Worship at Renovation Church
Baptism at Renovation Church

Latest from Rusty


Couldn’t make it this week? Want to dive deeper into the message? Click the video to watch Pastor Rusty’s most recent sermon.

Looking for other sermons? Visit the Sermons page for a full listing of past messages.

Join us for church

Renovation Church meets every Sunday morning at Phil Long Music Hall at 10 a.m.

When & Where?


Sundays at 10 a.m.

Phil Long Music Hall
13071 Bass Pro Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80921